Laptop Requirement


The College of Business requires that all students enrolled in upper division business courses - 300 level and above - have a laptop computer. Because laptops are mandatory, their purchase cost can be part of your cost of attendance and are therefore covered by your financial aid. Please contact the Gianchetta Student Success Center (GSSC) for more information.

While tablets can be useful tools, a tablet OS may not be sufficient to meet your business course computing needs. If you want the convenience of a tablet, look into one that runs a full version of Microsoft Windows and has a dedicated hardware keyboard. Tablets that do not run a full version of Windows, including those running Apple iPadOS or Google Android, can be a supplement to a laptop but not a replacement.

The UM College of Business partners with Dell to offer laptop computers that meet recommended specifications at discounted prices. These computers come with a four-year warranty.

We recommend students consider the following recommendations when purchasing a laptop:

  • At least 8 GB RAM, 16 GB recommended
  • 64-bit processor
  • 256 GB SSD or 500 GB for non-SSD
  • Camera, speakers and microphone for Zoom meetings or classes
  • Wireless capability
  • USB port or connector
  • Ability to run Windows 10 or higher
    • Windows machine (PC) recommended
    • If students prefer Mac, they can access Windows through the campus-wide virtual computer lab at:
      • Users log in with NetID
      • FYI, if Mac users use the virtual lab, they should save their files to UM-Box, not to their machine
    • MS Office – available through UM’s MS 365 license for both Mac and PC
    • Anti-virus protection software
    • Warranty
      • Minimum 3 years
      • On-site next business day service, if available
      • Accidental damage coverage, if available